Christof Tinnes
Chair of Software Engineering
Campus E1 1
Saarland Informatics Campus
Saarland University
Campus E1 1
Saarland Informatics Campus
Saarland University
Room: | 2.16 |
E-Mail: |
Research Interests
- Software Reuse
- Model-based Software Product Line Engineering
- Variation Contol Systems
- Natural Language Processing for Feature Extraction
Publications (copyright notice)
- Christof Tinnes, Timo Kehrer, Mitchell
Joblin, Uwe Hohenstein, Andreas Biesdorf, and Sven Apel.
Domain-Specific Edit Operations from Model Repositories with Applications to
Semantic Lifting of Model Differences and Change Profiling.
Automated Software Engineering, 30(2):17, April
- Christof Tinnes, Wolfgang Rössler,
Uwe Hohenstein, Torsten Kühn, Andreas Biesdorf, and Sven Apel.
You Have to Treat the Symptoms: Tackling Model Drift in an Industrial
Clone-and-Own Software Product Line.
In Proceedings of the European Software Engineering Conference and the
ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on the Foundations of Software
Engineering (ESEC/FSE), pages 1355–1366. ACM, November 2022.
Industry Track. Acceptance rate: 38% (32 / 84).
- Christof Tinnes, Timo Kehrer, Mitchell
Joblin, Uwe Hohenstein, Andreas Biesdorf, and Sven Apel.
Domain-Specific Edit Operations from Model Repositories with Frequent
Subgraph Mining.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Software
Engineering (ASE), pages 930–942. IEEE, November 2021.
Acceptance rate: 20% (82 / 414).
Copyright Notice: This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these publications may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.