Anna-Maria Maurer
Chair of Software Engineering
Campus E1 1
Saarland Informatics Campus
Saarland University
Campus E1 1
Saarland Informatics Campus
Saarland University

Room: | 2.14 |
Phone: | +49(0)681 302 57221 |
E-Mail: |
WS 2024/25 |
SS 2024 |
Research Interests
- Empirical research in the area of program comprehension
- What program features influence comprehension? What are similarities to natural language?
- E.g., Does language affluence affect programming abilities?
- E.g., What makes code confusing? How is confusing code processed in the brain?
- Empirical methods
- Eye-Tracking experiments
- EEG experiments
- Combination of EEG and Eye-Tracking
- Interdisciplinary research with linguistics and psychology
Publications (copyright notice)
- Anna-Maria Maurer.
Effect of Numeric Option Encoding on Performance Prediction of
Highly-Configurable Software Systems.
Master's thesis, Saarland Informatics Campus, Saarland University, October
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